Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Side Road to Yarn Scraps: Crochet Ear Warmers

    In exploring crochet websites I've mainly seen scarves as a way to use up yarn scraps.  After making snowflake scarves as gifts and to fill orders, I have some yarn scraps of my own.  I thought why not make ear warmers to go with the scarves?  So I worked a strand of white yarn and a shade of blue yarn together crocheting and sizing and pulling out yarn until I came up with an ear warmer I like.  Inspired by watching football and the team colors tote bags I had made earlier, I searched through my yarn bag and created another ear warmer design using one strand of yarn and 2 colors for stripes.  One can make a lot of ear warmers out of scraps of yarn!  I'm thinking of making a fun colorful scarf out of the longer scarps of yarn and an ear warmer to match out of the shorter scraps of yarn.  However, this ear warming adventure was brought on by running out of yarn for 2 other projects I was already working on, and my hands needing something to crochet.  Now that I have the colors for those projects, I'm leaving this ear warmer designing side road to head back for the main road.


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